Date : Wed, 12 Jul 2006 18:35:36
From : Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
Subject: Re: Matching up Compact bases and keyboards
On Jul 12 2006, 18:03, Jules Richardson wrote:
> If I could find out how the *#&!@ you set a signature in Thunderbird,
I'd do
> exactly as the sig says :-( I can't believe one of the most popular
> clients doesn't support them, but buggered if I can see where it's
set in the
> options :/
Look in Account Settings, it's on the top-level page for each account
you've set up. There's a box to "Attach this signature:", in which you
enter a filename. In the Windross version, "Account Settings" is near
the bottom of the Tools menu, and in the Unix version I think (I'm not
in front of one at the moment) it's under Edit.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York