Date : Wed, 12 Jul 2006 12:22:22
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: The Beeb BBs Project
Rob wrote:
> I've also got lots of frames ripped from TG@... myself, plus several from
> Viatel (the Australian Prestel), Dwarfen realm, and of course
> Prestel/Micronet, including lots of snaps of hidden system frames :-)
> Plus countless of my own design of course, including several mock-ups
> for new services for Prestel/Viatel that I never actually got off the
> ground..
That's been our exact experience - people tend to have a few frames
(relatively speaking) here and there, but nothing like a complete snapshot of
any one service.
> I've also got all the source to various utilities I wrote, some
> commercial, for use with Prestel. Unfortunately they've nothing to talk
> to any more.. Did any of the original Prestel mini's or their software
> survive anywhere, does any body know?
See other post! (and we've had this discussion a couple of years ago, but I
think it was over on classiccmp :-)
We're drowning in DEC hardware, which covers a lot of the original public
services - Primes we have a fair chance of being able to do; other stuff (like
DG) will be a bit harder. Modems shouldn't be a problem - if any software
can't be configured for whatever modems we have then we can always resort to
emulating the modem side via modern hardware. The showstopper seems to be that
nobody anywhere has a complete backup of any of the services.