Date : Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:12:55
From : Chris Johns <chris@...>
Subject: Re: Viglen Winnie / Miniscribe 3438
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> The problem probably is that the drive motor has got stuck. On this
> drive the motor is outside the drive so you can rotate it yourself. If
> you're feeling brave and the data on the drive isn't too important
> then switch it off and have a go at gently rotating the motor a full
> revolution and back again to move the head mechanism from one
> end of the disc surface to the other. It will probably come back to life
> after doing this with a bit of luck.
I once had an Archimdedes that had a "ST506" type drive (can't remember
what make it was). It got to the point it wouldn't spin up, so I took the
lid off (the drive) and gave the motor a bit of hand (by turning the top
of the platters). It survived enough to get the data off, and might still
be working today - I don't have that machine anymore.
"Don't try this at home, kids" =)
Chris Johns <chris@... >