Date : Wed, 12 Jul 2006 08:03:36
From : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: Econet Boxes (again)
At 15:40 11/07/2006, Joel Rowbottom wrote:
>Anyone got an Econet socket box to hand who can tell me the
>dimensions please? I've just got someone here offering me some black
>ABS boxes and if they're the right size I'll pop 'em in my bag ;)
About 20 years ago when ran out of the T pieces I'd been given by a
friend, I made up a network using generic ABS boxes and chasis-mount
DIN sockets. About 2 metres of cable, each end with two boxes with
two sockets each.
Picture of one end here:
(Sorry it's a bit dusty!) The contraption plugged in the left hand
end is a termintator...
Sockets are all simply wired in parallel - nothing special at
all. Because they were chassis mount, no pcb or special mounting
needed. Just cut a hole in the lid and a couple of small screws to
hold them in place.
At the time this lived in one room, and a 10M length of some really
thick cable (which I think was an offcut from a school installation)
ran to two more machines using the T pieces at that end.
It worked great for several years, and is still doing so again now!