Date : Tue, 11 Jul 2006 15:35:47
From : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: Econet Socket Boxes
There are no components inside Econet socket boxes, as has been
said. The Acorn ones had spaces for the terminating resistors to
be fitted, in which case one of the sockets was removed (or not
added in the first place) and a different lid used with only one hole.
The SJ Research ones do not have provision for terminating resistors
because their terminators were plug-in ones which you added to
the end socket box, which made expanding the network easier at
a later date. The terminating plugs can also be used to help to
isolate faults on the network by blocking off sections without having
to rip out the wires.
SJ also came up with the secure terminator box which had a right-angled
DIN socket inside for plugging in the terminator sideways on and then
screwing a lid on so kids couldn't send the network loopy by pulling out
the terminator plug.
The main advantage of SJ Research boxes is that they have an additional
set of connectors so you can cut the cable at each socket box rather
than having to through-wire the whole network like with the Acorn ones.
More here, if anyone's still awake!!!:
Sorry about the pictures, they are from my "webcam" days as opposed
to fully fledged digital camera but I will do them again one day!
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Richardson
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 15:03:50 +0000
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Econet Socket Boxes
Joel Rowbottom wrote:
> Hi chaps --
> Does anyone have a circuit diagram of the Econet dual DIN socket boxes
> please?
Possibly, but it'll be on A1 paper :/
> Were there any components inside these, or simply two sockets
> connected to the Econet cable?
I actually know where these are in the cupboard, so...
The Acorn dual-socket boxes have no components inside - although there are
mounting holes in the PCB for termination resistors and a capacitor. That's an
issue 1 box, p/n 0239,000.
The Acorn single-socket boxes are the same PCB as the dual, but with only one
socket (and in the example I have here, with termination resistors fitted - I
suspect all the single ones are like that as I believe they're supposed to be
used that way.
The SJ dual-socket boxes don't have any components either, but lack any kind
of mounting points to even fit them - I seem to recall that SJ lines were
terminated by plugs rather than within the boxes.
Thus endeth the lesson :-) Happy to trace out diagrams if needed - it'll only
take 5 mins.