Date : Sat, 08 Jul 2006 18:12:46
From : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: anybody use awServer?
The problem with Level 4 FS, which I have said before and which is
why I don't really like it, is that it does just seem to use the root of
the main hard disc inside the Archimedes to file storage rather than
making a "hidden" network partition which would be more secure.
If you alter the !Boot and !Run files in the !Server application, you
can set the Server$Dir variable, which I think is the location of the
file server's "root" directory.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Rob
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Sat, 08 Jul 2006 16:39:36 +0100
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] anybody use awServer?
At 14:41 08/07/2006, you wrote:
>I have got the Level 4 discs here:
>There are 2 800K ADFS disc images which I imagine you will be able
>to write to a couple of floppies on the A5000, although I am not sure
>how as I can't remember how I made the disc images in the first place,
>probably with Omniflop or FDC.
Thankyou!! Omniflop wrote them out correctly, and they seem to work.
Just need to work out how to configure it out to share an raFS
volume; it seems to want to share out the root of the drive it's
installed on (IDEDisc5)
>I haven't used awServer but you should be able to manage OK with
>Level 4 on the A5000.
>As an alternative, if the co-pro is an external cheese wedge then you
>could connect it up to the BBC B instead and run Level 2 Econet (or
>Level 3 if you have a Winchester or a 1770 interface).
It's internal, though I've got an external. I've also got a 20 year
old hard drive, and its the backup of that I'm trying to restore - It
was unreliable enough at the time, I don't fancy running it for very
long now! Anyway, I certainly don't have enough space on my desk for
that too! lol. It doesn't work (yet) with GoMMC as I detailed, unfortunately.
>You may be able to persuade the A5000 to run the Level 3 server
>whilst running !65Tube, I have "almost" got this to work but it won't
>mount the file server disc, either due to not understanding all the
>OSWORD calls or because of the difference in drive numbering between
>RISC-OS and BBC OS (ie. hard disc = drive 4 in RISC-OS but drive 0
>in BBC OS).
Hmm. I'll have to have a look at that at some point. I can't really
utilise a fileserver on floppies (although I've got a L2 system here)
because the backup I want to restore is 23 x 80t.ds ADFS discs long...