Date : Wed, 14 Jun 2006 09:14:53
From : Kris Adcock <kris@...>
Subject: Beeb help in the Scarborough area
Morning all,
I've received a message from Chris Hughes of the Wakefield RISC OS
user group, who has a friend with disk-drive problems with his Beeb.
The message runs as follows:
> I am hoping you can assist.
> I have been contacted by a David Metcalf of Scarborough
> (in fact he came to our last meeting as well).
> He has some sort of problem with his 3.5" Disc drives and
> needs help in resolving and/or replacing them.
> Could you possibly contact him and assist if you can or if
> you know anyone closer who might be able to help.
I do wonder whether it is actually a 3.5-inch drive, or whether it is
a 5.25-inch one. I know it's possible to connect either to a Beeb, but
5.25 is much more common.
Is there anyone in or close to Scarborough who would be able to help
out? I have his contact details (postal address and phone number) -
I'll pass them on to anyone who wants them.
All the best,
"Fighting the ceaseless fight against literacy and good taste."
The new day is a great big fish!