Date : Wed, 07 Jun 2006 16:16:27
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: New design!
Steve Fewell wrote:
>> The keytop typeface looks like an old IBM golfball
>> typewriter face, blown up.
Hmm, the font search at thinks it's "Flyer Black Condensed"
( )
That looks too heavy though, and the zero's certainly wrong as it has no
slash. I only had a bad image of a BBC keyboard to go from, though; someone
with access to a real machine or with a better photo might want to make sure I
didn't screw up in answering the questions that identified that font :)
*somewhere* at Bletchley there's a bag of printer golfballs - I'll see if I
can find it when I'm back (should be there the weekend after next)