Date : Mon, 05 Jun 2006 10:20:28
From : "John" <blip@...>
Subject: Re: Acorn "Re-Birth"
No, but the lappies have been mentioned in a couple of PC mags I read Inc
'Custom PC' - so there are out there.
John T.
-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
Ian Wolstenholme
Sent: 04 June 2006 23:52
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Acorn "Re-Birth"
Did anything come of the apparent Acorn "re-birth" from a few
weeks back? Was anybody there at the launch and did anyone
get sued/slapped in the face with a wet fish/publicly humiliated?
Best wishes,