Date : Sat, 03 Jun 2006 12:43:05
From : "David Harper" <dl.harper@...>
Subject: Re: Cheese Wedge Dating
"Rob" <robert@...> wrote:
> I got my 6502 2P about the same time.. I remember i had terrible troubles
> making it work with my BBC B - it was an early B, not sure of the
> revision, or even OS, but it was the original 1981 BASIC in it. The
> dealer I had bought both from swapped one or the other in the end, I
> think.. It's too long ago, now, and I was still a teenager so my memory
> is a little hazy..
Just to note, it wasn't usually the BASIC that was the problem with the
early ones, it was the OS and also the DFS which contained the Tube host
David Harper