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Date   : Mon, 22 May 2006 19:59:41 +0100
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: [Fwd: [CambridgeFreecycle] OFFERED: BBC Micro Model B - between Linton

in case anyone here wants to rescue it!

Subject: 	[CambridgeFreecycle] OFFERED: BBC Micro Model B - between
Linton and Haverhill (*)
Date: 	Thu, 18 May 2006 14:00:19 +0100
From: 	Duncan Bryan <duncan@...>
Reply-To: 	<duncan@...>
To: 	<cambridgefreecycle@...>


I have a BBC Micro Model B in the cupboard under my stairs.
I just haven't got round to doing anything with it.

It works, but the keyboard PCB could do with a little work - some keys
not responding.
IIRC it has some additional app eproms inside. Not worth selling on ebay
but I'd rather it went to an Acorn collector.
Too good to go in the tip - but I already have too much old computer

Bit of a trek to get it - I'm between Linton and Haverhill.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

** Note:  The subject should start with Offer, Wanted, Received or Taken.
Then a short description of what you are offering and then, if you want,
a location. For example:

Offer: Double pushchair - Cherry Hinton.
Taken: Double pushchair - Cherry Hinton.
Wanted: Super Soakers (Near Station)
Received: Dictionary

You don't need to add the [CambridgeFreecycle] bit, that is done
automatically. In the Taken posting, please say who took the item.

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