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Date   : Wed, 17 May 2006 15:16:03 +0100
From   : "Steve O'Leary" <navalenigma@...>
Subject: DFS Manager Ver. 0.3 released

I've just released version 0.3 of DFS Manager, available for download at 
Stairway to hell;


As this is the first time of announcing this software on the mailing lists 
for those unfamiliar with it I'll recap what it does.

DFS Manager is a windows based program to manage BBC Disk image files. 
Currently it can only handle single sided DFS disks but this will be 
expanded on in the future as the software matures towards version 1.0 There 
are other programs that also handle DFS disk image files as well as ADFS, 
Watford DFS and others. DFS Explorer by Jon Welch is an excellent example 
which benefits from regular updates.

So what's the differences ? DFS Manager offers a different user interface 
from the other image handlers in so much that it uses an MDI (Multiple 
Document Interface). Some may prefer this approach, some may not. It also 
(new to this version) features a file level Hex Editor.

The current features are,

MDI interface

Supports 40/80 track single sided DFS disks

Dockable and floating toolbars.

Drag and drop to/from windows filer

Editable directory/filename/exec address/load address/lock status

File Inspector - Individual files can be opened up from the Disk window to 
allow them to be edited in the Hex Editor and in future releases BASIC, 
assembler and text views of the file all within the File Inspector window.

Hex Editor (within file inspector windows)
  -- All standard hex editor features such as overwrite/insert/delete/copy/ 
and paste
  -- Find by text or Hex values
  -- Unlimited undo (not that you’d make mistakes !)

File compatible with DFS Explorer by Jon Welch
  -- Files can be dragged freely between the two programs
  -- Files transferred to the PC can be read back by either program

All child windows (Disk or File Inspector) can be duplicated any number of 
times allowing you different views of the same disk or file.

Any comments/ bug reports/ feature requests can be emailed direct to me, 
posted to this list or added to the thread on Stairway to hell, link is



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