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Date   : Wed, 10 May 2006 18:39:24 +0100
From   : Philip Pemberton <philpem@...>
Subject: Re: Back in circulation

In message <4460BF55.3070209@...>
          Eelco Huininga <eelco@...> wrote:

> Hey! I never knew Solidisk made a Teletext device! Can you tell me
> something about this one?

There's not much to tell. It's basically a Ground Control Electronics
"Universal Teletext Adapter" (the same ones that last time I checked were
still being sold by Octopus). The difference is, it's got a user port
cable and a driver (which comes on floppy) that says "Solidisk Technology"
when it starts up.

It is VERY fussy about getting a perfect signal though - I had to do a lot of
tweaking to get a good enough signal out of one of those "bunny-ears" aerials
you get with cheap 14" TVs. Interestingly enough, a bent coathanger worked
much better.

I'll dig it out later this week and see if I can get it to do something. I
fear the battery pack in my Master might have kicked the bucket (it's a nicad
pack and I never got around to installing a trickle charging resistor)...

Phil.                         | Kitsune: Acorn RiscPC SA202 64M+6G ViewFinder
philpem@...                   | Cheetah: Athlon64 3200+ A8VDeluxeV2 512M+100G
http://www.philpem.me.uk/     | Tiger: Toshiba SatPro4600 Celeron700 256M+40G

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