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Date   : Sun, 16 Apr 2006 15:53:53 +0100
From   : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

In article <44416D19.8040607@...>,
   Fragula <fragula@...> wrote:

[border colours]

> However I thought something more a complete replacement for the video
> ULA would be more appetising. Mike Cook's design was, due to the
> technology of the time really,  a little erm.. "spread out" IIRC.
> Plugged into the RGB out and the User port, or the 1MHz bus, used the
> R.G.B. signals to address the RAM in an external device..
> I'm thinking more internal device, a small oilrigged replacement with a
> pixel pusher, RAM and 3 DACs (could just be R2R ladders). Register
> compatible after reset with the Acorn ULA

I thought about this a few months ago, since the ULA was socketted why not
replace it with something which can do 256 colours or something?

Then I looked at the rest of the circuit diagram and realised that the
output stages are digital so you'd still end up with only 8 possible colours
(unless the upgrade involved track cutting and other butchery which I find
generally detracts from people's interest).

It would also be nice to have better resolution, even if only in 8 colours.
In the end I gave up thinking about it and decided it wasn't going to be
worth the brain time,

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