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Date   : Wed, 12 Apr 2006 20:54:40 +0200
From   : John Kortink <kortink@...>
Subject: Re: Expensive BBC B!

On Wed, 12 Apr 2006 16:31:53 +0100, Fragula wrote:

>Now I'm not going to preach that people shoudn't disseminate copies of
>out-of-print software, not for one second, as it aids in the presevation
>of our digital heritage. Not that I'd *publicly* approve of it either,
>even though i might privately. ;-)
>But TBH I don't approve of it at all if money changes hands. But then
>I'm a funny old fecker, and who cares what i think. :-}

Well, this middle-aged fecker does happen to agree.

'Warez' we all do once in a while, some more than
others. But making money off it makes it quite a
different activity.

>However, bundling a beeb with a load of dodgy copies and flogging it to
>some poor (nobody this brainless can hang on to money for long)
>brainless (=being willing to pay a small fortune for a 10 quid
>and a load of software that is usually aquireable for the sort of sum
>that leaves plenty of change from a brass farthing) is one thing. Fools
>with money seem to be ten a penny as always. I suppose, at least to my
>mind, its more than a bit iffy.

I know a little more :

One of these bidders has paid a silly amount of
'extra' money for a similar (and similarly smelly)
setup before (same thing if I remember correctly,
some beeb, GoMMC, and x-thousand games on the MMC,
mainly from Stairway To Hell no doubt). I emailed
him about that (mind you, I deliberately did this
only after the sale closed to avoid inspiring the
seller to come after me with a large pitchfork
followed by some major surgery), since I feel
uncomfortable that these people do not seem to
know that if they want to, they can download
'the goodz' themselves. Instead of paying silly
money for them.

His answer indicated he was happy to pay this wad
of extra money for it being done for him, since he,
roughly speaking, had no clue how to do it himself.

Doing it a second time suggests he's banking on
something interesting/unknown being there still
(despite the fact that it's probably almost the
same set of games).

>However associating the good name of John Kortink, creator of the mighty
>GoMMC with this deal seems quite out of order.
>I'd be screaming b*ll*cks at ebay to have the auction pulled, or my name
>removed, were it me. Not that I think it would do any good. <sigh>
>If its any consolation though, They say there is no such thing as bad

Well, this /is/ one of GoMMCs uses. Turning it into
an opportunity for an illegal bulk software sale is
another matter though.

>Hmm.. There is a possibility that the winning bidder might work for, or
>be one of, the authors. Or a FAST employee. Or both. That might be
>funny. Also it might explain the magnitude being bid.

That would be quite funny.

John Kortink


Email    : kortink@...         
Homepage : http://www.inter.nl.net/users/J.Kortink

GoMMC, the ultimate BBC B/B+/Master storage system :

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