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Date   : Wed, 12 Apr 2006 16:31:53 +0100
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: Expensive BBC B!

Hi Andrew!

Andrew Hancock wrote:
>  Another eBay auction madness........GoMMC & BBC B for £220 and
A *tadge* over the going rate.

> rising......and some games!
Some *dodgy copies* of games, surely?

Now I'm not going to preach that people shoudn't disseminate copies of
out-of-print software, not for one second, as it aids in the presevation
of our digital heritage. Not that I'd *publicly* approve of it either,
even though i might privately. ;-)

But TBH I don't approve of it at all if money changes hands. But then
I'm a funny old fecker, and who cares what i think. :-}

However, bundling a beeb with a load of dodgy copies and flogging it to
some poor (nobody this brainless can hang on to money for long)
brainless (=being willing to pay a small fortune for a 10 quid computer
and a load of software that is usually aquireable for the sort of sum
that leaves plenty of change from a brass farthing) is one thing. Fools
with money seem to be ten a penny as always. I suppose, at least to my
mind, its more than a bit iffy.

However associating the good name of John Kortink, creator of the mighty
GoMMC with this deal seems quite out of order.

I'd be screaming b*ll*cks at ebay to have the auction pulled, or my name
removed, were it me. Not that I think it would do any good. <sigh>

If its any consolation though, They say there is no such thing as bad

Hmm.. There is a possibility that the winning bidder might work for, or
be one of, the authors. Or a FAST employee. Or both. That might be
funny. Also it might explain the magnitude being bid.

Its quite possible that software authors from back then won't care, or
might even be quite pleased, that their games are cult items, originals
still being traded, technically illegal copies still circulating amongst
devotees. However they might be /most/ peeved when they catch someone
*selling* pirate copies. Court cases might ensure, etc. And TBH I won't
argue with that.


M. Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.

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