Date : Tue, 04 Apr 2006 18:39:40 +0100
From : "A.J. Davis" <mail@...>
Subject: Re: Basic & BBC Basic
Rob wrote:
> Now, I look at my huge stack of ~300 BBC floppy discs, and realise
> that even if they were all full, and including restoring a 17 year old
> backup of my econet fileserver (10Mb HDD) they won't take up but a
> fraction of the space available to me now..
I've just converted my music collection - hundreds upon hundreds of CDs
and vinyl - to MP3 and stored them all on a hard drive inside a PS2 (the
cheapest and fastest media centre option without resorting to a PC in
the living room).
It seems odd that the massive hi-fi system and cabinet containing all
that music is now neatly replaced by one small box. I've now got a big
corner of my living room back!