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Date   : Mon, 03 Apr 2006 15:41:46 +0100
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: Basic & BBC Basic

Hi Andy!

Andy Armstrong wrote:

> Why? Linux, yes. Being objective they should probably be aware of 
> Windows too 
Indeed. I wouldn't have Windows<tm> missed. Particularly the warnings
about monopolies, lock-in, and the junkie-like dependancy that the
"civilised" world found itself hooked with during the late 20th and
early 21st centuries.

And Macintosh<tm> of course, and a little of the evolution of that,
perhaps contrasted with Windows<tm>

> While I'd love to turn kids on to a low level understanding of how 
> computers work is a room full of Model Bs really the way to achieve 
> this?
Its the best way I can think of. I'm not suggesting that all kids are
turned into adept programmers, but perhaps that seven year olds could
benefit from a little (screen based) logo to get those basic concepts of
angles and things, as well as the notion that the computer is a machine
that accepts a list of instructions, a "Program", rather than is a some
kind of electronic (sh*t for)brain (s) that talks with a bouncing
paperclip (or whatever). Just basic conceptual stuff, the, potentially
inspiring, power of which doesn't reall get felt until you look at it
first hand. A chalk and talk here just wont suffice. Neither even at
that stage does a Linux(/whatever) box and a compiler. The visceral
immediacy of banging command lines in is what does the trick I think.
The whole process is (apparently) transparent. Of course it's just a
conceptual introduction, a rehersal if you like, for Assembly language,
C, or whatever.

Kids should be able to design a 16x16 sprite in "one bit mono", get that
into binary, then to hex, then see it bounced around the screen, this at
maybe 10 years old or so. At 12 a little PWM control via the user port
and a buffer board. Using the 6502, entering the program and having the
opcodes explained.

Why model B's? Well, its not so much due to its adequacy or flexibility,
but some to do with its "transparency". A block diagram of a model B is
at least *possible* to explain to a kid, who knows, maybe even an I.T.

Oh yes, the teachers need changing too! the ones at my childrens schools
insist that the PC case is a "CPU" or "Processor" <sigh>

Rather than have my children discriminated against for being smartasses,
I've advised them to nod and smile when the teachers come out with the
ridiculous things that they do, just fill in the B.S. they want on the
exam papers and move on.

> If you want to go that way why not kit them out with PIC based
> prototyping systems?
Not that bad an idea, but a keyboard/screen formula is probably more
viable for a wider range of abilities and ages than the hex keypad and
LED. Otherways I'd have suggested a "Trainer" board.

> There's no database in OO.
By that definition, there's no database *in* Access either! :-)

(hint: database (management) system, manages a database, which is made
out of data..)

Ok.. That *was* pedantic, but I enjoyed it.

OO has means of accessing a database (i.e. a seperate (my)sql, or
whatever) from inside its apps. i.e. it has "drivers".

ISTR that OO v2 has more than that, but as I don't make much use for
these things, these days, I'm no expert.

> I think it's more the case that education in general is increasingly 
> skills focussed. IT isn't the only area in which kids are taught to  be
> consumers and users rather than creators.

> The main reason why  Windows
> PCs are ubiquitous in schools is that they're ubiquitous in  life.
Uhh.. that didn't used to be the case. Unfortunately the schools
"standardised" (officially or otherways) forcing parents (including
myself, kicking and screaming) had to "invest" in (i.e. squander good
money on) Windows 95, 98, (we missed M.E thank heavens) then 2000, which
is where we are now, and I'm getting off completely at that point!) and
upgrade the PCs (five kids so three "family" PCs, two of which *were*
windows based ("were" thanks to Open Office)) just to share equal
incompatibility with the schools selection of  BillG's deliberately
incompatible products.

 > Oh it's much worse than that - kids are being taught skills (not just
> in IT) that are quite likely to be redundant by the time they seek work.
Oh yeh.. that too. <grin>

It's "Progress". And we need to get rid of (insert currently outgoing
generation of windows here) because of all the bugs and vulnerabilities
that are not going to get patched,  and upgrade our machines to run the
New generation, which of course will be in the same or worse state a
year or three down the line.

Actually, It probably IS time to upgrade from OS1.2, but I can't say the
few bugs have caused me many problems in the last 22 years.



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