Date : Sun, 02 Apr 2006 12:18:47 +0100
From : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: FW: 'Sector not found' - disc copyable?
If you can't find All Copy then have a look around for Ripoff IX
which is the one I use for 8271-copy protected discs. It will even
do Acornsoft Elite.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: neil f
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 20:55:46 +0100
Subject: FW: [BBC-Micro] 'Sector not found' - disc copyable?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...]
On Behalf
> Of David Hunt
> Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 6:52 PM
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] 'Sector not found' - disc copyable?
> > I'm trying to rescue some control software from an old 5.25"
> > disc before it heads for magnetic heaven. It's a 40 track
DFS disc
> > which I presume has copy protection - hence the 'sector not
> > error when I try to back it up. Is there a way around this
> > available ROMs or whatever? I'm trying to archive it to hard
> > using a dual 5.25"/3.5" drive and DFSreader on an RPC.
> What you could do is use a program like Basil Bloom's All Copy
> need an
> 8271 or register compatible disc controller) and copy the
5.25" disc
> to a 3.5" disc then use Omniflop to copy it to a disc image on
the PC.
> With Basil Bloom you can also tell it to format "bad sectors"
> so you can then see if it is indeed copy protection or just a
> disc when you try the "fixed" version.
> Then you can spend some time hacking the program on the disc
to remove
> the copy protection (unless there is an actual fault on the
> Dave ;)
Thanks Dave. I'm pretty sure it's not data corruption as I have
two discs of the same source and they both give the same error
on the same file. I haven't been able to find any trace of All
Copy on the net however. Do you happen to know of any archives
with it in?
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