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Date   : Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:43:29 +0200
From   : "Mark Usher" <mu.list@...>
Subject: Re: Was Exile  now  off topic 

> I really must apologise for a wicked moment there. It was 
> intentional that I
> top posted and also replied to both the originator and the list.
> I can be evil too.  :-)

:-) and all taken in the spirit it was meant.

It is good though to draw attention to these things, spelling, top posting
etc. My spelling and grammar is by no means perfect, but if I do make a
mistake, I certainly am happy to be made aware of the mistake, so that I can
learn from it and improve.

There are also many ways of achieving the same thing, sometimes some ways
are better than others, sometimes it doesn't make a blind bit of difference
(mmm wonder why that is a blind bit...) and they are equally as good. It is
always interesting to look at other ways and sometimes discover something
new. The biggest problem I see though, in so many areas, is tolerance. Be it
on the roads, posting emails, general discussions, parking on double yellow
lines outside Manchester airport.... Grrrr. A little more tolerance, and
more guidance from those who know better instead of forcing things on
people, be it government bodies, groups or individuals. Mind you, then there
will always be people who will take advantage of other peoples toleant
attitude, which is probably how we have arrived at where we are now - for
being tolerant! Should I perhaps be getting a newspaper column?

Right, back on topic, I'm of to build myself a cable and tryout John
Kortinks 65Link! John, you have been making some fab contributions recently
with hardware projects. Something that had died down significantly with the
BBC over recent years and we had all been doing more with software (except
for JGH of course!). Thankyou.


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