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Date   : Sun, 26 Mar 2006 22:07:37 +0100
From   : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: Attack of the Killer B's.

In article <4426E39A.3060306@...>,
   Fragula <fragula@...> wrote:
> Ahh.. Looks like two Model B PSUs have leaked out some of their magic
> smoke in the last few weeks..
> One, my favorite beeb, is just the usual start up res/cap thing. I'm
> "being patient with it" at the mo.. its only 30 secs or so. And has been
> going on for a few days.. Ermm. Since I popped the Integra B in (which
> is still sulking btw. I just hope its not one of the PALs.)
> The second is cooling down at the moment after a nice "pop" and a *lot*
> of smoke (smelled like Golden Syrup a bit..) from the back of the PSU.
> I'm just letting it "gas off" at the mo.

I've just repaired 2 of those for someone too, seems like they're all going
pop at the same time. I should add it to my power supply repair tips page.

A modern X rated 1000V 100nF part seems to fit the original hole spacing
quite well I found.

> Anyone selling a hi-grade cap kit, or shall I make some up?

Search the archive for "holy smokin beebs" I think, that details a few
possible sources of equivalents.

> Anyone know if the Model B PSU's "bleed down" nicely within a few
> mins/hours/days?

It's the two tall 450V electrolytics which are the ones to watch, as these
have half (rectified) mains on each one. They bleed away in under an hour 
with no load or under a minute with (say) at 10R across the 5V line,

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