Date : Mon, 20 Mar 2006 14:43:52 +0000
From : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: OT:1970's video about the birth of the ARPANET/Internet
OMG! Who put the surveillance camera in my bedroom? :-O
<fx: period of heavy breathing at linked-to pr0n.>
Oh I do wish people woulnd't infect things, especially sexy clips like
this, with googlismic stuff though.. We (right thinking people) have a
perfectly good thing called xvid.
Err.. Did anyone ever do a Pertec interface for a Beeb?
David Hunt wrote:
> <
> &pr=goog-sl>
> Has some early electronic music at the beginning, plus a large amount of
> 1970's hardware dotted around.
> Dave ;)