Date : Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:20:15 +0000 (GMT)
From : gARetH baBB <>
Subject: Re: Viewdata - was:6502s and SASI/SCSI.
On Thu, 16 Mar 2006, Rob wrote:
> I've got loads of docs, from an original 1979 GPO Prestel pamphlet, to
IP info
> packs, correspondence and other junk, maybe some early Microsoft information,
> and even some Viatel (Australian) brochures. Plus no end of screenshots of
> stuff.. One day when I discover how to cram 48 hours into each day, I'll get
> around to scanning some of it...
Well I may have a start soon with some of my stuff, see if it spurs you
I think I've got a Prestel IP "manual" somewhere.