Date : Tue, 14 Mar 2006 14:51:40 +0000 (GMT)
From : "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
Subject: Re: Model B compatibility on a Master
> I have had problems with some software, can get it run ok, but
> ctrl-break does not return the machine to a useable state. Is there
> anyway to force ctrl-break to reset all the memory ?
> *FX 200,2 will cause most memory to be cleared on Break (main memory,
> shadow screen, MOS private RAM and filing system workspace). It will
> NOT cause SW-RAM to be cleared. If this is still a problem, you can
> *UNPLUG the SW-RAM banks (banks 4 to 7). (You will, of course, need
> to *INSERT them (after the Break) before you can use them again.)
I thought it was *Fx 200,3??
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E-mail: haroonnet2002@...
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