Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2006 21:38:25 +0000 (GMT)
From : Steve Fewell <kranser@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Micro Instant Machine Code [Was: Unicorn Sighted!]
Another of this guy's auctions looks interesting too:
I've never heard of this, and it looks rare. Anyone
else have this?
--- Fragula <fragula@...> wrote:
> Hi All!
> <grumpy old man mode on>
> Be assured I'm not bidding on this! That's a
> disgusting price for a
> butchered about 6502 cheesewedge with a zep-100 in
> it! But rather look
> at the top line of the fifth of the pics half way
> down the page.
> There we are, Definitely not a Legend. And
> apparently I may have one
> already (I have a Zep100 board in the "tower" case
> with floppy and
> (rather flakey) 1Mhz<>SASI/SCSI and Genuine ST506
> (model number as well
> as interface!) hard disk)
> It has a strange sense of familiarity.. I either
> did, or repaired, or
> undid, something similar (2 2Ps in one box) for Ron
> Westerman, before he
> went to Germany. Could be a smaller world than I
> thought.
> Or could be a common thing? I can't remember where
> the idea came from. I
> wonder if this could be one of Ron's old boxes...
> Still its way over price. Somebody.. Two people
> actually, have been daft
> enough to bid on it. <sigh> It even opened at £65!!!
> There 'aint arf sum
> muppets out there.
> <grumpy old man mode off>
> Cheers!
> M.
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