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Date   : Mon, 13 Mar 2006 11:53:08 +0000 (GMT)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
Subject: Re: Econet<>Ethernet, more distracting thoughts.

> It might be advantageous though to let BeebEm have a serial->telnet 
> implementation though - connection goes up from beeb end, telnet 
> session initiated out to pre-configured ip/port.  Or have a listen 
> running, and when an incoming commection is detected, raise CTS on 
> the serial port so a BBS software running will think a call has been 
> answered (and then only accept the incoming telnet when RTS goes up, 
> as per actually answering the call.)
> As for the econet-over-udp - currently, for simplicity, BeebEm 
> requires a config file on each machine with a list of net.stn & 
> ip:port assignments.  It would be quite possible to have different 
> stations at opposite sides of the world! (Although I don't know what 
> effect latency would have).

That's a great idea, we can then access Arcade through BBC Telnet then
rather than dial-up.  I don't think we have to worry about lag-time (if
that's what you mean), Internet technology has matured and some of us
have broadband now. :-)


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