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Date   : Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:55:53 GMT
From   : Wookie <wooky@...>
Subject: Re: Serial cable DIN plug

In message <BAY103-F2644EA27796FD5C2FB816B9CE30@...>
          "C Davies" <davies_@...> wrote:

> I went to Maplins in search of a 5 pin Domino DIN plug so that I could make 
> a serial cable for BBC to PC file transfer.  I couldn't find the correct 
> type there and neither could the assistant.  Rather more disconcerting was 
> the fact that he'd never heard of a BBC Micro and that he told me "it must 
> have been before my time".  Needless to say, I clobbered him with my 
> zimmerframe and hobbled gloomily out of the shop.

I made my own, take a 7pin din plug (maplin part no. HH30H) and remove
pins 2,4 & 6, drill a hole in the center and superglue one of the pins
you just removed in the hole, voila a 5 pin domino din plug.

Cheers Wookie.

A: Because it destroys the flow of conversation
Q: Why is top posting dumb?

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