Date : Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:08:07 +0000 (GMT)
From : Steve Fewell <kranser@...>
Subject: Re: Advanced BASIC and Mouse support
--- Jonathan Graham Harston <jgh@...>
> Steve Fewell <kranser@...> wrote:
> > I have Advanced BASIC working fine now, except
> that
> > the MOUSE support does not work. BASIC gives the
> error
> > 'Missing Code' when I try to use commands such as
> > MOUSE ON, POINT TO, etc...
> >
> > The manuals says that when AMX SuperROM is
> installed,
> > it pulls HIMEM down to &A400 and the Advanced
> No, it says that when you INSTALL the mouse driver
> veneer, it
> pulls HIMEM down to &A400.
Now that what I was doing wrong! I was loading program
"amxmice" and then typing PROCamxmice. INSTALling
amxmice works! Now PROCamxmice works without error! No
Bad Command as the Sensitivity, pointer, etc..
commands are present in my AMX ROM.
> Advanced BASIC *should* have passed the various
> mouse commands to
> the standard OSWORD 64 or ADVAL(7) and ADVAL(8)
> calls, but instead
> jumps via a vector to an error message. Try:
> or the test program
> The amxmice library is dependant on the commands
> "*pointer",
> "*buttons" and "*sensitivity" existing. You will
> get errors such
> as "Bad command: AMX ROM absent".
> I've put a patched version at
> with
> those commands
> commented out.
I'm getting the error 'MOUSE/POINT option not
supported'. Is this the error pointed to by the vector
you mentioned?
So does Advanced BASIC always issue this error without
even trying to use the mouse driver commands (i.e.
*POINTER, etc...)? I.e. no matter what your setup
Advanced BASIC will never support mice - maybe this is
an early version of the Advanced BASIC ROM then?
On the weblink you provided, I find ABASIC.ZIP - which
is exactly the same as the standard version - i.e. not
patched. Where is the patched version? And what have
you patched? Have you removed the MOUSE and POINT
commands from the ABASIC language?
Thanks for your help,
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