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Date   : Sun, 12 Mar 2006 18:22:48 +0000
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: 6502s and SASI/SCSI.

At 15:34 12/03/2006, Fragula wrote:

>Howdy Phil!
>Other interesting finds..
>Two discs and one manual of the "Pace OBBS BBS System" for the BBC
>Micro. I'm quite seriously tempted! :-D but don't know if i could sleep
>with the sound of the FDFS clunking away all night. I did have it
>running (locally, apart from one evening I thought I'd play a trick on
>the BBS callers) on an Opus Challenger. Its kinda like a sawn-off RA,
>written in BBC BASIC.

...by me ... :-)

I was paid the princely sum of 1 VHS video 
recorder (rrp £360) for that... oh, and I got a 
hand made, development, auto-answer board for a 
Nightingale modem too, but that was mainly so I 
could do the changes to support it. (It signals 
via the user port, of all places!!  I've still 
got the board, but not the modem for some reason.)

I'm not sure I ever saw an "original" pace manual 
for it - I've got the proofs, though.

I think it was the first (of very many!) BBS 
softwares for the Beeb, by a couple of 
months...  I first ran it on an old 300bps GPO 
Modem that was so huge that the beeb sat on top 
of it!  I've still got all my original and backup 
working discs, plus I'm sure I'll have the source 
code (i.e. the uncompressed Basic!) somewhere 
too..  When I finally get my econet all set back 
up, I'll try and find it and release a clean 
copy.  Maybe get an emulated beeb up on a server 
somewhere running the  BBS again...


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