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Date   : Sat, 11 Mar 2006 18:59:27 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Steve Fewell <kranser@...>
Subject: Advanced BASIC and Mouse support

Hi all,

I have Advanced BASIC working fine now, except that
the MOUSE support does not work. BASIC gives the error
'Missing Code' when I try to use commands such as

Jon Ripley has kindly scanned the page from the
Advanced BASIC manual regarding mice:

I have tried this with both the AMX Super ROM versions
3.31 and 3.41 and the Nidd Chauffeur ROM, and none of
these seem to work.

The manuals says that when AMX SuperROM is installed,
it pulls HIMEM down to &A400 and the Advanced BASIC
program to initialise AMX mouse support expects AMX
code to be around the &A400+ address location, as
shown by the following amxmice routine:

   10Mouse Driver For AMX SuperRom - PROCamxhelp for
   20DEFPROCamxhelp:PRINT'"To use MOUSE in Advanced
BASIC with the AMX SuperRom:"''"1. SuperRom must be
present"'"2. enter Advanced BASIC"'"3. INSTALL the
file ""amxmice"""'"4. call PROCamxmice"':ENDPROC
Driver For AMX SuperRom"ERROR100,"Not INSTALLed
SuperRom missing?":END
   40OSCLI"buttons off":OSCLI"pointer
on":OSCLI"sensitivity 1":CALL&A5A6:ENDPROC

However, I cannot find the text "Mouse Driver For AMX
SuperRom" anywhere within the AMX SuperROM image, and
there doesn't seem to be a routine &A5A6. However, AMX
SuperROM does work as commands such as *POINTER ON and
*ART work fine.

Does the AMX SuperROM not contain the actual Driver
that Advanced BASIC requires? Or am I doing something
else wrong? Does anyone have such a Driver?


--- Jon Ripley <jon@...> wrote:

> Steve,
> > I have the AMX SuperRom versions 3.31 and 3.41 and
> the
> > Chaffer (Chaffeur) DIGIMOUSE 3.0 ROMS, and have
> tried
> > ABASIC with each of these present - with no
> success.
> I have a few more versions of the AMX SuperRom and
> cannot find a 
> compatible version, there is probably something here
> that we are both 
> missing and I suggest that you post the question to
> the BBC Micro 
> mailing list as someone there might be able to help.
> Here is the relevant section of the manual, please
> feel free to share 
> this link on the BBC Micro mailing list:
> The manual section above combined with the drivers
> on the Advanced BASIC 
> disk contains sufficient information to create a new
> mouse driver. This 
> is something that I am not able to do myself and
> again the BBC Micro 
> mailing list may provide a better source of
> assistance if this is the 
> route that needs to be taken.
> Regards,
> Jon
> -- 
> http://jonripley.com/

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