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Date   : Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:38:05 +0000
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: Them pesky case stickers (was 1MHZ SCSI/ATA board.)

>>>>Just out of curiosity, does anyone else name their machines?
>>>>How do you pick them?

Ahh.. DNS archaeology. Fun! (Archaeology="my home DNS is not actually
that organised" I just add stuff, and rarely tidy up! The first DNS
probably went up in about 1994 not long before Quake was released, on a
386 running some flavour of Linux (probably Slackware at that point.) I
just kinda migrate it and morph it to fit the current flavour of BIND,
but never get around to pruning it, so its fairly nostalgic.

Theres is no specific naming policy here so..

>From the internal DNS "active" file(not all of the machines or hostnames
by far!), Mine are:

dragonyx (the main linux server). Its around the 7th machine to bear the
name, but by far the most long lived. Its the linux box (1GHz AMD
"Thunderbird" AXIA with a gig of RAM, and 8 IDE controllers, most if not
all are occupied with drives, of which some are part of a RAID5.) that
does most internal services (DNS, SMTP MTA, IMAP, SMB, NTP, HTTP cache
etc.) for "dragonet.disorg" the Martian IP/Ethernet lan. (can't stand
the word "intranet" any more.)  and provides the external face (HTTP,
SMTP, multiple UT(99 based GMC/UTPG)) servers of "hyperdark.org".

2 jetdirect is a jetdirect printserver in dumb mode. Don't need it at
the mo, so son#1 is having it for his house.

*3 "phil", is reserved for some reason for the FDFS, which doesn't do IP!

*4 brain (anagram of Brian, the person who I got it off, and a
wannabe-dragoyx that never was) is reserved for the PDP-11, though it
has no ethernet yet. Has an Emulex SASI/MFM board IIRC.

*5 zen is a 1989 Zenith 286 laptop - DOS 6.22 - Was the original
Dragon's Domain BBS machine (from feb 1992), but not a dragonyx, now
just a telnet/ftp terminal. There is a revese zonefile "issue", it
reverses as "orac". I'll claim that was deliberate. I really don't need
this any more.

6 macse is a Mac SE/System 6.summmit (no longer used, but quite
venerable really) Was Daughter #1s mail/web (oh yes you can!) bedroom
box, as her room only has thin coax. still in the corner of the living
room, as its tiny, as an email terminal/fairly-useless-web-browser.
Really should get rid of this machine.

*7 quadra is a "test engineering" Apple Quadra (in a IICX case), System
7.1 Was a living room web browser, now a kinda doorstop.

8 olddragonyx is always used by the last incarnation of dragonyx during
migration, and as a safety net for a month or so afterwards. Its gone
from DOS/8086 with an NFSD, via Purple, Slackware, Redhat, Suse, but for
many years has been a Debian GNU/Linux box. Its currently assigned to
the second ethernet card on "babelfish", as at that point, dragonyx used
to be router and server in 1.

9 satie is my music workstation. (Debian and Win2k, though the "Jack"
audio system has decided that it doesn't like the Echo Layla24/96
ADC/DAC convertor box, and I don't have enough erm.. "head space" to
investigate that at the mo, so if I'm using it for audio, it tends to be
running Windows <spit>) the PC is integrated into the plinth that holds
up one of the mixing desks in the "music room", the the audio part is in
a full height rack on the other side of the room with the tape machines.
Satie was named after my favorite french pianissimo. Satie is due for a
dark charcoal & ferrari red paint job, and upgrade to Opteron 4G RAM,
and perhaps getting promoted to the programming area. But using the
existing U320 SCSI etc.

10 babelfish (a retired "Dragonyx" from 1996-98) is my dedicated
"reading funny disks and tapes" box. Another SCSI box. Worked as a
NFS/SMB/Appletalk fileserver and post-boot filesystems for icarus,
daedelus and the BBS (which was running on a pair IBM 5160, one for each
line.) Had a heady 300Meg drive,+ a pair of 150M drives.

11 pantera (a retired "dragonyx" from 1998-2000) is getting deleted now.
its gone, used to be a Apricot (something) which was a re-badged
Mitsubishi Panther in a cool high security case with an electricly
operated front panel, built-in UPS and security alarm system, and "U.K.
Mil Spec" data security. This was aquired from a certain govt. dept. who
shall remain nameless, as a fee for unlocking it, recovering the data
from it, and erasing the hard disks properly, after they "lost" the
password, and could not dispose of the machine. Not a great machine as
it had a weird extended microchannel bus, but it was the best "pay rate"
for 60 seconds work I ever did. Reading the pencilled security override
password from the front panel and typing it in while the IT manager was
finding me a cup of strong sweet tea. :-D during its tour as "dragonyx",
this machine had 1x512M, 1x1G and 2x2G SCSI drives.

daedelus (yet another retired dragonyx)
icarus are a pair of Sun (geddit? greek IIRC mythology.) SPARCclassic
server lunchboxes, on cold standby for email etc. if the main box goes
over. running (well, crawling, due to code bloat, especially in
dselect!) the SPARC port of Debian. Since moving from Intel to AMD/VIA
chipsets, and RAID5, I don't seem to get any crashes, so they 'aint been
powered up for a long time.

hobbes is another Sun, either an IPX or IPC lunchbox, named after the
cat cartoon screend on the PCB. Missing top half of case w. psu and floppy.

goofball is now a machine.. I gave a pile of old 486 bits to my (at the
time 10 year old) son#3 and he just put it together and installed
Windows 98. its a desktop with a golfball shaped/textured power button.

spitfire (partial retired dragonyx) is a metallic purple and gold
painted "spitfire" Duron 1300 Win2k/Debian box that son#3 built from the
remains after dragonyx 2000-2002 had its mobo, watercooling sytem and
drives relocated into a bigger box w. bigger PSU, faster CPU, bigger
faster RAM etc. to make the current dragonyx-proper case, for his
bedroom. Note, spraying the buttons of CD/DVD-RW drives is a real PITA,
you need to sand them smaller first to allow for the thickness of paint,
otherways they get sticky!

darkmatter is a matt black and gold P3/550 <spit- but it was the only
show in town at the time> Linux machine with tv-out we use as a an
off-air/camcorder video recorder/player, MAME/MESS games machine, and
for general family/visitor internet access, in the living room. Its also
doing CD/DVD recorder duties as my machine in the back only has a
CD-reader (the kids all have DVD-Rs!)

tessie is another Duron that I put together for my daughters room. They
named it after a favoured teddybear. Its only on 10MHz coax, but will
probably be pulling the floorboards up (again) over the summer to
install cat.5 and (if I can get the cable) more Econet.

"blowfish" is my neighbour's Slot A Athlon 700. We used to play
doom/quake/unreal/ut "over the wall". Named the night I set it up for
him, installed Povray, and ran the "fish" demo which became hs first
wallpaper. Should be removed.

"joe" is his son#1s celeron. Should be removed.

The guest DHCP pool is rather imaginatively called "dhcp1, dhcp2"

masterhub is the 16 port managed hub that feeds the 10Mbit machines.

hyperswitch is the 10/100 etherswitch.

hypergate is the router.


in the "extended" file (which includes stuff that isn't actually on the
network "yet". its optimistic anticipation.)

megabeeb: my "personal" model B setup.

bbc2: another B with econet, in the attic at the mo, but possibly to go
inside a space invader case in the hall, with econet and menu front end.
(as well as a "Super Cobra" board, with a switch...) Used to be in the
childrens bedroom, but was replaced by Delgado for a while until the PCs
took over.

bbc3: undedicated B with econet , also in the attic, has an Opus
Challenger (the one with a 1M ramdisk) Ahh.. Spotted a nice disk mailer
containing "OBBS" (a classic DOS type BBS converted for the BBC
Micro/viewdata) This could be interesting if I can squeeze it into the
server cupboard and have one of the phone lines re-enabled.

delgado: The name floats between on-duty BBC Masters, so currently "on"
the Master 512. (there are 3 Masters, but only 1 good keyboard at any
given time., i really must get around to..... But TBH i'm not a huge fan
of the Master, mostly down to the keyboard, its in the "eerie valley" as
its like a beeb, but not a beeb, so I typo like mad on it!) Too silly.

Ron: A Viglen-cased beeb (or is it a Master??? oh my brain!) given to my
by a friend of the same name. (i know, DNS isn't cased..) (ahh.. two
masters w. econet, 2 "missing" Master Econet boards.. <keeerrching!>)
Too silly. Deleted.

arthur, acw, pan and pandora are all pencilled against the cambridge

Am "getting out of" amigas, so deleting the names (cheech and chong ;-)
for the B1000 and the A(whatever it is 500+,600+,1200). The B1000 can do
ethernet, takes a 3C503 (physically any ISA card), but no IP stack, as
its supposed to work with a x86 co-pro running DOS, no co-pro, and TBH
not a lot of interest these days.. Problem is I know it will wax when I
make an attempt to get rid of the machine. <clicketty-done>

However. Its fairly irrelevant. At the moment. I'm deleting the extended
file.. I deleted its backup a few days ago..



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