Date : Wed, 08 Mar 2006 23:05:53 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!
> Message-ID: <440C5EF6.3030506@...>
Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
> D'oh, I'd missed the Graduate off my mental list in previous email, so I
> that's 18 in total:
I've got:
Yes > Acorn Z80
Yes > Acorn 6502
Yes > Acorn 32016 (256KB/1MB)
> Acorn 32016 ('large' - 4MB)
> Acorn 32016 (Master Scientific)
> Acorn 80186 (Master 512)
> Acorn 80286 (ABC 3xx)
yes > Acorn 65C102 (Master Turbo)
> Acorn ARM1 (ARM Eval kit, with or without mem expansion)
> Acorn A500 (not to be confused with A500 separate machine)
yes Sprow ARM7 CoPro
yes > Torch Z80
yes > Torch Z80 Tosca (the one with the local serial port)
> Torch 68000 Neptune
> Torch 68000 Atlas
> Torch Graduate
> Casper 68000
> Cumana 68008
> There are a few unofficial copros about too - I think JGH had a PDP TUBE
> (*pokes JGH*),
Uh! Whassat?
> and Graham Toal built a 6809 copro, and then there was an
> article published way back when for using a Dragon 64 as a DIY 6809 copro.
I've tried looking for this. Interlibrary Loan won't lend
periodicals. They will photocopy pages *if* you tell them what
pages to photocopy.
Now, if I knew what page the contents were on...
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
BBC BASIC for Windows and Internationalisation