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Date   : Wed, 08 Mar 2006 21:21:55 +0000
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

David Hunt wrote:

 > Hehehe, yeah *FX9 to turn off the flashing colours in mode 2, don't
want a
> migraine...
Ahh. gotcha.. yes. Migrains were one of the things that drove me to PCs,
nice big LCD monitors, much less strain on the eyes.

Oh. Trick for all. Well those that don't know it already. Banging the
pallet colours 6..15 on the CRTC flyback interrupt (don't forget to..
ohh. that would spoil the fun...) To "mix" (for example, red/black or
red/white) Its fairly crappy, and can give headaches.

> I've got a Master and have set TV to 255,1 in the static config, but yes, I
> hate interlacing, gives me a ....migraine!
Gahh.. I Hate migrains.. I get between one a month (could be the moon,
male menopause, I dunno) and 3 a week. I've had 2 in the last 7 days,
and the "aura" (a visual shimmering that stops me from reading or
looking at anything in detail) yesterday to warn of another.

Leaving out combinations of chocolate, eggs, cheese and rice reduces the
frequency, and if I leave out those foods, and stay away from computers
and/or women, beer and/or loud rock music, they go away entirely.

But what the hecks is the point of it all then? :-/

My solution is to find a nice TFT telly that will do good monitor duty
for BBC (RGB SCART), PC (1280x1024 NI@... min) and mebbe even a bit of
brain-destroying tv. (the latter being optional.) Oh, and it mustn't be
Sony. I don't buy Sony.




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