Date : Tue, 07 Mar 2006 17:52:32 +0000
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: 3.5 / 5.25 floppy disk reliability
David Hunt wrote:
>> Jules Richardson wrote:
>>> Wouldn't recommend it myself. It's certainly a no-no using 'punched' DD
>>> disks
>> Punched? D'ua mean "Hard Sectored"?
>>> Find yourself a local freecycle list
>> Ohhh.. I've never heared of that before! :-O
> Nah, that would be tooooo interesting by far.
> Nope, he just means to nastily turn a DD disk into a HD disc by creating a
> media sense hole in the right hand corner (flap to top)
Yep, popular in the early '90s as DD disks could be bought for a fraction of
the cost of HD ones - until people quickly realised that the disk lifespan can
be measured in weeks before sectors went bad all over the place. It wasn't the
best of money-saving ideas :-)
As for freecycle - blindingly good way of swapping stuff back and forth,
that is!