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Date   : Mon, 06 Mar 2006 09:44:51 +0000
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

Hash: SHA1

Hi David!

David Harper wrote:
> 80186.
> You can find it here:
<YOINK> Thanks.

Well I finally seem to have the 80186 booted properly in a Master,
having "borrowed" a drive from the FDFS (which is also on the bench at
the mo.) which had bad alignment. Odd cos all I've done is move it from
the shelf in the server cupboard onto the bench. Ahhh.. Unless it was
always aligned iffy, which means the FDFS boot floppy i've been using is
also aligned iffy. This rings a bell actually. <sigh> more work for the
poor old donkey. ;->

Will be stuffing little bits of DOS software across to 80186 over the
next few weeks, for tests mostly, but I suspect a few handy utils might
erm.. come in handy. Assembler first I think.

> (This sheet was produced by AMD, but their version of the 80186 was totally
> interchangeable with Intel's.
AMD manufactured the Intel 80186-10 that came as standard, or at least
on the ones I've seen. Shows how the world has changed. :-)

> Please note that my site will not remain at this URL - it is an awkward
> address with very limited facilities. This is simply temporary until I get
> something sensible organised, so please do not link anything else to it.
I can loan you a bit of web space if you like, I have a
mostly-unoccupied apache server, it has a few gig free, and I am more
than happy to host fairly static BBC related sites, as the traffic is
most likely to be negligable. I don't have a secure means for users to
update their sites at the mo, as I don't allow telnet or ftp in through
the firewall. Thats due to the amount of attempts made from kiddies due
to the UT servers running on the same box.

However, If you wanna zip it up and mail it to me, feel free, and
suggest a <sitename>.hyperdark.org for the virtualhost. I can probably
get it online same day. Its free, has no "branding", popups, ads, or
anything of that ilk, It has a full "if it breaks, you get to keep the
shattered remains" type warranty though.

Oh.. And if anyone has rsyncd up and running, and wants automatic
overnight offsite backups (i.e. not a public mirror), or come to think
of it, public mirrors, just holler.



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