Date : Mon, 06 Mar 2006 01:15:07 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!
> Message-ID: <440AE2BB.7080004@...>
Fragula <fragula@...> wrote:
> Thats fixed now. I'm wondering which DFS is best to use for both
> 80186 2p AND Econet/FDFS compatibility.. Or maybe I'll have to use
I recommend DNFS 3.01 - DFS 1.21 and NFS 3.60. DFS 1.21 has timing
bugs fixed that prevented 3.5" disk drives being easy to use.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
The most perfect world is an imperfect world as the imperfections give
people a reason to strive to change it.