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Date   : Sat, 04 Mar 2006 18:33:19 +0000
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

Hi Dave!

>> Hi, welcome to the list ...

Thanks. I'll try to make myself usefull. ;->

Well i managed to survive the attic, and have soaked off the prickly
bits, dead insects, bits of cobweb. /Partially/ Successfull mission.

Got a "Donor" model B with a BASIC2 ROM, W.E. "Ashtray" ROM socket, and
a funky little sideways RAM board with a furry battery and (fully
populated with 2x6264s! No Master econet board yet, Might be in another
of my secret beeb-bits caches.

More ominously, no secret-bit-of-paper-with-password for FDFS, but I
still have several bookshelves of manuals etc. to sift through.

The (very heavy) box of 2Ps (1 6502, 1 Z80, 1 "Universal" box which will
be having the 80186 out of the Master 512 (which is to be demoted to a
Turbo, as the masters have (IMO) crappy keyboards, and 'aint model B's
anyway.), a teletext box, econet bridge did turn up though. Behind a
pair of non-functional cubs, and two - equally non-functinal (I'm
allergic to H.T.) Acorn branded 12" mono monitors "in the cub style".

 Also located my old Pace Nightingale, Sage modem, Bitstick, Music 500,
Joysticks, and a box with "Epromryter" written on it, a load of
2764s&27128s, The Integra-B (my vote for best Sideways board of all
time!) and a Modded (big rom with 1770 and 8271 versions and a switch to
match the STL DFDC) Vine "Replay", a "Viglen Master" which IIRC has a
turbo board in it and econet. Enough to be going on with.  ;-) . But
Dammit.. I could have sworn there was a prestel adaptor too.. Maybe I
dreamed it.

The current plan seems to be to give it all a wipe down, make it work,
set as much as possible up into One Big System (mine) and have the kids
 hung off on Econet with a Bs with ATPL boards and 6502 co-pros.

Dammit.. I've never had this much fun with PCs. Not even the big
AMD/Debian/Raid does-everything-fast-box.

>>>>Don't know if these have been scanned and OCR'd to the net, does anyone?

>> I scanned them in (no OCR) for Jules R back in Oct '04. I don't think
I ever
>> published the links anywhere but the files are still on the server, so if
>> anybody wants them ...

Grabbed, on the RAID, consider me an offsite backup.  :-)  Thanks. and
Nice scans!

Do you have the FORTRAN/Lisp/Pascal manuals done? I've got them on paper
if they are needed. Plus of course the disks.

>> Regarding the system discs, is there any chance you'd be able to dump
them (as
>> I only have two of them)? If you need some pointers towards BBC>PC file
>> transfer software, just mail me off-list.

I'm fairly a *meister* of BBC->Whatever media-> and back. Cross
platform/media movement is one of my hobby horses. If you need something
from an Amstrad 3" CP/M disk stuffed on a FILES-11 RX-50 for a PDP-11,
just ask - I think I have all those bases covered.. Where I do need to
catch up is with the various "disk image" formats that are floating
around at the mo, and whether/which modern PC southbridge FDC bits can
really read/write FM

I Just read a beeb-related doc (Omniflop IIRC) that says they can.
Certainly not true of most older PCs (ie. 8086-80486 era.) but maybe the
boffins at VIA/SiS/Intel have some sort of kudos thing going on.. who knows?

I'll mail you re. disks. We may be talking at crossed purposes.



(Sorry if I top-quote occasionally, the b@...*rds make me use LookOut in

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