Date : Sat, 04 Mar 2006 01:24:05 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Odd looking Acorn board on Ebay.
> Message-ID: <006f01c63e4e$4bd3c9e0$3201a8c0@...>
"David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...> wrote:
> There is a "proper" cheese wedge 1Mbyte 32016 Second Processor going on eBay
> now.
> I've only seen three of these in six years of using eBay! Sprow's ARM
I've got one, with all the docs and disks!
> co-processor board looks very appealing... any news of 6502/Z80/32016
> emulation ?
As soon as I get mine I'm going to install Z80Tube, 65Tube and
PDPTube. I'm planning on working on 32Tube over the summer.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
NOBODY expects the MACRO ARGUMENT INQUISITION! Our chief weapon is
unexpected addressing modes... unexpected addressing modes and local
branches out of range. Our two weapons are unexpected addressing modes and
local branches out of range and quoted argument lists. Our *three* weapons
are unexpected addressing modes, local branches out of range, quoted
argument lists, and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope. *Amongst* our
weapons are such elements as unexpected addressing modes, local branches out
of range... I'll come in again.