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Date   : Tue, 28 Feb 2006 14:43:01 -0000
From   : "Helen & John Simpson" <helenandjohn.simpson@...>
Subject: Re: BEEBUG Eprom programmer

By the way, Angus as you are reading this can you confirm that the
inductors connected to the TL497 are supposed to be 2x 10mH in parallel?
The circuit diagram is not entirely clear on this point.

-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf
Of Stephen Sudworth
Sent: 27 February 2006 20:39
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BEEBUG Eprom programmer

My original idea was to attempt to build the modified version of the
programmer featured in the archive, but I could not get the software to
work, I didn't fancy typing in all the source code so I gave up the
idea, and decided to have a go at the BEEBUG one.
I have an addemdum sheet showing the position of track cuts to be 1 row
to the left. I am unsure if there are any more modifications needed,
apart from the obvious links that are missing from the circuit layout.
I'm going to go to CPC in Preston tomorrow and get a replacement TL497,
its only a couple of quid so worth a try at least.

Angus Duggan <angus_beeb@...> wrote:

neil f wrote:

> Angus Duggan did a tweaked version of the Beebug programmer. His zip
> achive is available here:
> ftp://ftp.knackered.org/pub/angus/BBC/eprog.zip
> In the process, I think he ironed out all the bugs.

I've got a couple of tweaks to add from other people on this list, but 
overall, it works. I was going to add a switch to program both halves of
27256s some time, so they can be used in ROM boards that support bank 
switching (I had trouble getting 27128s last time I tried).



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