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Date   : Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:10:38 -0000
From   : "Matt Cocker" <themicrouser@...>
Subject: Two collections of BBC magazines looking for good homes

Hi Folks,

I have received messages from a couple of people who have BBC magazines that 
they would like to get rid of, they both have The Micro User and Acorn User 
magazines and are in different parts of the country.

If anybody is interested in these magazines let me know and I will pass on 
the enquiries to the relevant person.
They are looking for the collection to go as one rather than lots of 
requests for individual issues. Due to the weight, collection would be 

Collection 1:
"I have complete sets of "The Micro User" from Vol 1, No 1 to Vol 10, No 1
and of the "Acorn User" from No 1 (July/august 1982) to No 113 (December

I live in Didcot, South Oxfordshire about 12 miles south of Oxford and 15
miles west of Reading.  I would be willing to post (or courier) them but I
know from when I tried e-bay that's likely to be around £50.

I'm not looking for much for them.  If someone will collect them, give
them a good home and give, say £20, to Age Concern that's fine by me."

Collection 2:

The Micro User:
Various from July 1983 to March 1991.
Acorn Users:
Various from December 1982 to January 1991.

These are in Coventry.
If you would like a full list of which issues are present I can either send 
you a html email with the lists or send them as doc or rtf attachments.

Hope somebody can give them a good home.

All the best
Matt Cocker
Save the Owl
The Unofficial The Micro User magazine website 

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