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Date   : Mon, 20 Feb 2006 22:14:18 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Price query

David Hunt wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I was wondering what the going rate for BBC stuff is at the minute, and
>> how
>> much you normally pay. I've been offered a minty B+ 128k (although it
>> gives
>> a continuous tone), double Cumana drives and a printer from a chap at
>> work.
>> I've offered him £45 for the lot. Is this a fair deal? I'm not sure what
>> he
>> was after but he's accepted it. Do you find most people expect little for
>> them these days?
>> Aaron
> It's the upper end of what I'd pay. Don't forget there are no eBay fees or
> P&P involved.

Although it is a 128K B+, which we established aren't that common (unlike 64K 

BBC Bs and Masters are just there for the taking still. 64K B+ models do show 
up from time to time (I've stumbled across a handful in the last few years). 
But I've only ever seen one 128K B+, and that was the one I mentioned that was 
given to the museum a couple of weeks ago.

I'm sure there's a healthy market amongst people who go after the rarer stuff 
for things like this particular machine.

Remember that CJE charge over a 100 pounds for a used dual floppy drive... :-)

I'm not sure what I'd pay for a 128K B+ if I really wanted one. Given the 
chance of actually finding one, 45 probably isn't too bad.



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