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Date   : Sat, 18 Feb 2006 21:47:22 GMT
From   : Wookie <wooky@...>
Subject: Terminal Emulator/Arcade Problems


I've been having some fun with my Master connected to my linux server
via serial ports, so I can use it a bit more than just playing games,
however I have hit a couple of problems. I've been using the built in
Terminal on the beeb end, is there a better terminal emulator ?

I've tried Termulator 1.0 (c) Sussex Uni and LPDFS 7.48 (c) Preston poly
aswell but neither are much better than the buit in one.

When I telnet to Arcade.demon.co.uk it doesn't matter what I set my
terminal type to at Arcade, or what type of terminal I tell the beeb to
be I get some gibberish on the screen ?

When I use vi on my liux box the delete key doesn't work (it just beeps
at me), although I can scroll around and enter text and esc back to the
command input bit as normal, but when I'm at Bash command line it does
work ?

All help much appreciated

Cheers Wookie.

A: Because it destroys the flow of conversation
Q: Why is top posting dumb?

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