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Date   : Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:04:27 +0000
From   : "Austin Pass" <austinpass.bbc@...>
Subject: Re: [OT ish] Software for 3COM CS/2600 Terminal Server

On 15/2/06 10:01, "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...> wrote:

> There is one on eBay, it doesn't look if the disc is in the drive though.
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3Com-CS-2600-Terminal-Server_W0QQitemZ5858314361QQc
> goryZ11175QQssPageNameZWD2VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
> Sounds like a fun project though. If that doesn't work, any old 386 and
> above would host a pair of four port serial cards, I would imagine there
> some simple Linux distros (probably a single disc) that would then do the
> same job as the 3Com.
> Dave ;)

Thanks for the reply Dave.

I've contacted the guy selling the CS on the offchance.... I did find one U
supplier with the necessary software in stock.  Bearing in mind that this
product was obsolete in 1996, would anyone like to guess how much they
wanted to charge me for the 3.5" disk-based software? £257.89!!!

I guess I'm resigned to dumping the CS/2600 and using a different approach.
I'm a little like a bulldog though - once I've taken a grip of something I'
*really* loathe to let go!

My intention, once I've gotten a suitable terminal server up and running is
to host a project similar to the lads at cray-cyber.org, albeit with 8-bit
micro's instead of time-sharing supercomputers!

I've written a PHP based website that would allow people to "book out" the
computers for 20 minute blocks and telnet into them.  Just need that disk
for the pesky CS/2600 and I'm laughing! ;-)


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