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Date   : Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:39:05 -0000
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: B+ 64k won't respond to keyboard, Econet fitted

> > Has anybody got a 32016 circuit diagram?
> OK, I have got the one for the 4MB board, although it's not the best
> quality
> (it's a photocopy of the original ACW service manual). I don't have the
> one
> for the 1MB 'cheese wedge' board though, although I know someone in London
> who's drawn it out and they're sending it up this way at some point.
> The spare socket on the board is actually shown as an MMU in the
> schematics!
> Although it could potentially be used for other stuff - it has the top 8
> address lines, full 16 bit data lines, and various CPU control lines to
> it.

That would make sense since the 32016/32032 series were meant to be chained
together. I am pretty sure some people had a shot at multiprocessing with
them, god that must have been a laugh... 

I wouldn't mind a copy of the schematic for the cheese wedge, just for the
interest's sake.

Does anyone out there have copies of the Acorn Z80 2nd Processor discs ? I
seem to have mislaid them. If someone would be so kind as to e-mail them to
me, put them into a BitTorrent or load them up to some free web space it
would be most appreciated.

Has anyone OCR'd the Cambridge Co-Processor Manuals ? I might have a go, I'm
OCRing Micro Users at the moment to allow searching on the content.

Dave ;)

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