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Date   : Thu, 09 Feb 2006 16:14:16 -0000 
From   : Littlefield Aaron <CALITTLEFIEL@...>
Subject: BBC B+ LED problem

Come to think of Peter, the solder joint around the cassette motor LED
looked slightly suspect on one of the solder points. Would this prevent the
Caps Lock LED from working? Sadly I haven't got a working disk drive or
cassette player to test that one! I may just take a photo tonight and make
it available to anybody interested.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Coghlan [mailto:Peter.Coghlan@...] 
Sent: 09 February 2006 15:36
To: Littlefield Aaron
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BBC B+ LED problem

>Thanks I'll give this a go tonight and report back in the morning. Close
>inspection of the joints looked good last night, there was no obvious
>problem but then it has been a long time since this Beeb has been used. It
>operates fine, which is a relief!

Hi Aaron,

I've just thought of another remote possibility. The LED could be fitted
the wrong way around, maybe from new. If there is some sort of terminal
identification on the LED package (maybe a flat or notch on one side of
the rim or a paint dot or a symbol), it may be possible to compare the
orientation of the non-working LED with the orientation of the working
shift lock LED. They should probably both be fitted the same way up but
it would be good to check the PCB traces to see that whichever terminals
are common are on the same side of each LED. If the terminal identification
is by way of different length leads, then it will not be possible to check
the orientation by inspection as the leads will have been trimmed before
soldering. If this is the case, the only way to check will be to try it
the other way around.

                     Best regards,
                       Peter Coghlan.

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