Date : Wed, 08 Feb 2006 21:26:34 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: 1 MHz Bus backplane
> Message-ID: <BAY101-DAV24A5B5739C4707108E9F5A1000@...>
"Mike" <profpep@...> wrote:
> I've seen a few references to a 1 MHz bus backplane system.
> Does anybody have any details of the configuration. I have details of a
Could be from "Interfacing the BBC Microcomputer", Colin Opie,
McGraw-Hill, 1983.
The author devloped a motherboard for interfacing to the BBC using
2x30way Euro-board connectors. Rather expensive, I would have
thought, for hobbyist development. What to play with interfacing?
First, spend loads of money and time on learning how to make and
on building PCBs.
The motherboard connected into the Analogue, User and 1MHz ports.
The Euro-connectors provided the following signals:
0v A1 B1 0v
0v A2 B2 0v
Analog GND A3 B3 AC0 Analogue port lines
AC1 A4 B4 AC2
AC3 A5 B5 PB0
Aref A6 B6 PB1
UD6 A8 B8 UD5 User port lines
UD4 A9 B9 UD3
UD2 A10 B10 UD1
UD0 A11 B11 CB2
CB1 A12 B12 A7
A6 A13 B13 A5
A4 A14 B14 A3 1MHz port lines
A2 A15 B15 A1 Address and Data buffered
A0 A16 B16 0v
D7 A17 B17 D6
D5 A18 B18 D4
D3 A19 B19 D2
D1 A20 B20 D0
AIN A21 B21 nRST
nPFD A22 B22 nPFC
nIRQ A23 B23 nNMI
1MHz A24 B24 R/nW
- A25 B25 -
- A26 B26 -
+12v A27 B27 +12v
+12v A28 B28 +12v
+5v A29 B29 +5v
+5v A30 B30 +5v
+5v unreg A31 B31 +5v unreg
+5v unreg A32 B32 +5v unreg
The publishers also produced "Interfacing for the Spectrum",
with the same eye-bending cover-art and with a similar expensive
motherboard system. (I've been trying to track this book down.)
It inspired me to create my own cheap 'n' cheerful version with
cast-off parts from the Medical Physical Department that my Dad
worked in using single-line connectors that didn't need PCBs,
see I also designed
an adaptor that let me plug my Spectrum backplane into the
Beeb's 1MHz connector!
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
NOBODY expects the MACRO ARGUMENT INQUISITION! Our chief weapon is
unexpected addressing modes... unexpected addressing modes and local
branches out of range. Our two weapons are unexpected addressing modes and
local branches out of range and quoted argument lists. Our *three* weapons
are unexpected addressing modes, local branches out of range, quoted
argument lists, and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope. *Amongst* our
weapons are such elements as unexpected addressing modes, local branches out
of range... I'll come in again.