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Date   : Tue, 07 Feb 2006 19:21:28 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Greg Cook <debounce@...>
Subject: Re: Disc Fights (WAS: Grammar)

On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 22:48:07 +0000, Tim Fardell
<tim.fardell@...> wrote:

> David Hunt wrote:
> > Notwithstanding, your discus example (I was rather good at field
> not so good
> > at track) we used to have floppy disc fights at school (dead discs
> of
> > course) throwing them at each other down the corridors, wow they
> didn't half
> > sting if you were unfortunate enough to receive a high velocity
> example to
> > the face!
> I only recall this occurring once at my school, but I received a
> severe 
> laceration to the side of my neck :-)

Nope, can't say it happened at all at mine.  But then if you were seen
holding 12 floppies in a stack in one hand you got some dark looks...
how could anybody come to have so much data?

> 3.5" disks were the norm during my formative years, so this practice
> would have 
> been distinctly hazardous!
> Sadly, I never got to use Beebs at secondary school - they were all
> replaced by 
> RM Nimbi shortly after I started. And my primary school was terrified
> of 
> technology, 

In my first primary school there was one LINK 480Z on a trolley, for
the entire Infants section.  It had a disc drive (complete with
cardboard shipping disc - yikes!) but booted off the weird coax network
(the borough looks to have made a bulk purchase of RMs so these paired
BNC socket boxes still appear in lots of their buildings.)

Such was the paranoia that pupils would shout "Mistake!", to summon the
teacher to press the DELETE key.

Strange but this computer seems well matched spec-wise to the Acorn
Proton.  Looking back I'm surprised that it wasn't put forward to be
'the BBC Micro'.

-- Greg

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