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Date   : Tue, 07 Feb 2006 14:29:52 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Grammar

Austin Pass wrote:
> On 6/2/06 22:41, "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
>> I don't mind that - but I often dislike unnecessary letters being stuffed
>> acronyms to make words ("sequel" instead of "SQL" *really* grates for some
>> reason)
> I can't really think of another example of this,

There was another one that really annoyed me, but it's not one I've heard in a 
while - I've been trying to remember it all day! I'm sure it was another 
Microsoft-related one (just as "sequal" is typically used in relation to MS's 
SQL server - it seems less common in connection with other databases)

We did have to beat a couple of people at Bletchley over the head a while back 
for calling HPUX "H-pucks". "jiff" instead of "giff" for GIF images also 
grates. Those are all just down to pronunciation though, rather than the SQL 
case where people go inserting extra letters to form a word from the acronym.

>  One uber-nerd that I regularly deal with insists on
> calling it "Structured Query Language", along with "PHP Hypertext
> Preprocessor" (he especially loves self referential acronyms...) "HyperText
> Markup Language" and so forth, all within a spoken conversation!

Now there's a good candidate for being smacked over the head with something 
heavy :-)



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