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Date   : Tue, 07 Feb 2006 14:25:15 -0000 
From   : Littlefield Aaron <CALITTLEFIEL@...>
Subject: Re: FileStore Floppy Drives

Yes please. The compact welcome disk also has a neat little adventure game
that I spent hours playing back when Santa brought a Compact many years ago!

It all got thrown out whilst I was a student (sob!). Even had its yellow
plastic 3.5" drive guard and cover for the adaptor on the side of the

The compact welcome disk should really be archived, as it was a great little

-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
Sent: 06 February 2006 18:54
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] FileStore Floppy Drives

I've just been testing some 3.5" drives, and needed some authentic Acorn
data to check with, I found an original copy of the Master Compact welcome

It runs quite happily on my Master 128, once backed up to a 5.25" disc, even
picking up my Marconi trackball, (I took the precaution of unplugging the
trackball ROM). This reminded mt that people who were interested in the GXR,
can kind quite a few examples on the Master 128 Welcome disc, and some other
GXR type stuff, particularly some of the sprite material, on the Compact's

I haven't seen the Compact welcome disc on an Archive, though I haven't
looked that hard, (I mean I've had a bit of a look through JGH's archives,
but I haven't really got a long enough ball of string...).

The Master Compact also had a very basic GUI desktop application, with
clock, calender and notepad.

Anyone want a copy ?


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