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Date   : Sun, 05 Feb 2006 20:36:09 -0000
From   : "Martin Rigby" <martin@...>
Subject: Re: Grammar

-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...]On Behalf Of
Jason Watton (Lycos)
Sent: 05 February 2006 12:05
To: BBC Micro Submit To List
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Grammar

Annihilannic <annihilannic@...> wrote:
> Like me you are probably equally irritated by 'insecure' as opposed to
> 'unsecured' computers, 'license' (the verb) being used instead of
> 'licence' (the noun), 'seperate' and 'definately' being continuously
> mis-spelled, to name but a few...  ;-)

Returning to the "programme vs progam" observation (I wouldn't say it is
exactly an argument!), I recall from my copy of Fowler's tome on English
usage (unfortunately it is packed away in a cardboard box several miles away
due to "house redecoration") that the spelling of the word programme (with
the "me" on the end) was actually an affectation from times past to emulate
the "French" mode of spelling, when the latter was "fashionable", whereas
the "non-fashionable English spelling" was without the "me", as per the
"American" spelling.

I apologise if I misquote Fowler, and at the same time I acknowledge that
the relevance or otherwise of the opinions within Fowler are often the topic
of debate [however I enjoy it because it does actually make one think],
however, if true, it is an interesting observation.

Language is, after all a "living" thing, and we all probably have our own
pet fetishes in this department.

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